Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Hiccup

On the way home yesterday from the shrink's office (uh no, not for me), a car whizzed past by me on the intersection. I thought the driver was familiar. A momentary glance was all I needed to know, that he was my first ever hiccup.
What's a hiccup you say? well, a hiccup in my world is like a mini-episode porn episode... or let's say it's the soft porn in my hardcore porn sexual life. A hiccup does everything but... you get my point. This hiccup I named, Mama's Boy (MB).. because well, do I really need to explain it?? he was a mama's boy. Sad though, this guy was impossibly handsome guy... tall, a slightly muscular yet I don't work out body, wavy dark thick hair and piercing jet black eyes. He had this middle eastern air about him which really worked in his favor. He could have any girl in the next 7 counties but once mama calls on his cellphone, he can barely button his pants before he's out the door.
I met MB through one of his relatives. Funny no? this relative of his actually was trying to put the moves on me, to which I replied "if I wanted to sleep with my father's oldest brother??! I'll give him a call!" just for the record, I'm not into the family thing.. that's just sick. Maybe to get on my good side, old relative introduced me to him. Just like any typical male, Mama's boy started with the right words. The sweet nothings, the thoughtful phone calls. Not that I was expecting commitment from him. I was smart enough to know that his type (and all the other types like him that I "dated" after and before) will never commit, but the gestures were nice. That went on for a few weeks and a month until we hooked up finally... thing is, we never hooked up all the way. My "relationship" with MB was purely oral... for him. I always got the short end of the stick so to speak (and by no means was is short... it was impressive -- a characteristic of his type) before mama came a-calling. I didn't mind really, he reacted, he was enthusiastic, he talked dirty which turned me on and he counted down to his orgasm to give me due notice. Isn't that considerate? If we had the actual sex, I think it would've have been great... he seemed to know where to put his hands, where to put his lips and tongue and how to control junior. Why we never went all the way? bad timing on his part. He comes (ahem) on those times where I am unable to ride :D but it never stopped him from asking for a little fellatio oral love. And I gave it willingly because he was so gosh darned handsome. Then one day, MB disappeared... stayed quiet and out of my life forever... *sigh*... serves me for being too shallow.

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